Home Agriculture Organic Potassium humate

Organic Potassium humate

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Organic Potassium humate

Potassium humate is the potassium salt of humic acid. It is manufactured commercially by alkaline extraction of brown coal (lignite) Leonardite to be used mainly as a soil conditioner. The extraction is performed in water with the addition of potassium hydroxide (KOH), sequestering agents and hydrotropic surfactants.



  1. Super potassium humate is from high content humic acid, it is organic fertilizer
  2. Organic fertilizer, soluble fertilizer for this potassium humate shinny flake, it is high water solubility
  3. 65%-85% humic acid for this potassium humate soluble organic fertilzier.
  4. PH value is 9-11 for this super potassium humate shinny falke
  5. Agriculture usage, animal feed usage and industry usage
  6. Classification : Organic Fertilizer
  7. Type: Humic Acid
  8. CAS No: 68514-28-3
  9. Other Names : K-Humate(Humic Acid Potassium, Potassium Humate)
  10. MF : C9H8K2O4
  11. Place of Origin: Dehui China( Mainland)
  12. Potassium humate release type: quick
  13. Potassium humate state: Shinny Flake, Powder, Fine Powde


Benefits of Humic Acid

In our process, we convert Humic Acid into a more active and fast action potassium salt of Humic acid i.e., Potassium Humate. Potassium Humates enhance nutrient uptake, improve soil structure, and increase the yield and quality of various crops. Potassium Humate promotes the conversion of a number of elements into forms available to the plants. It is well documented that the availability of P2O5 is increased in the presence of humic acids. Potassium Humate increases the permeability of plant membranes so promoting the uptake of nutrients


Humic acids affect the release of plant nutrients, especially nitrogen through slow decomposition by organisms. The soil humus may also contain or release plant growth substances and support the growth of organisms. Potassium Humate possesses very high ion-exchange capacity. This property results in better utilization of fertilizers by retention of the nutrients in the root zones.

100% Soluble Potassium Humate Powder

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Mode of Action

  • Potassium Humate increases the holding capacity or retention ability of the soil for holding water with extended use b
  • Potassium Humate increases the efficacy of fertilizer, by preventing excessive leaching away from the root zone and ultimately releasing it to the root zone as needed
  • Potassium Humate helps to reduce soil erosion by increasing cohesive forces of very fine soil particles
  • Potassium Humate changes the physical and mechanical properties of the soil in structure, color, consistency, and moisture holding capacity to a very great degree as the organic matter increases
  • Potassium Humate increases the permeability of plant membranes, enhancing the uptake of nutrients more efficiently
  • Potassium Humate improves the soil environment to it’s optimum, which is needed for the uninterrupted growth of various groups of beneficial micro-organisms.
  • Buffers pH problems, allowing plants to adapt better, until the pH can be corrected.
  • Decreases stress deterioration, until it can be corrected.
  • Increases the germination capacity of seed via the improved CEC levels of the soil.


Biological Benefits

Humic acids biologically stimulate the plant and the activities of micro-organisms.

  • Stimulate plant enzymes and increase their production.
  • Act as an organic catalyst in many biological processes.
  • Stimulate growth and proliferation of desirable micro-organisms in soil.
  • Enhance plant’s natural resistance against disease and pest.
  • Stimulate root growth, especially vertically and enable better uptake of nutrients.
  • Increase root respiration and root formation.
  • Promote the development of chlorophyll, sugars and amino acids in plants and aid in photosynthesis.
  • Increase vitamin and mineral content of plants.
  • Thicken the cell walls in fruits and prolong the storing and shelf time.
  • Increase germination and viability of seeds.
  • Stimulate plant growth (higher biomass production) by accelerating cell division, increasing the rate of development in root systems and increasing the yield of dry matter.
  • Increase the quality of yields; improve their physical appearance and nutritional.


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